5 Tips for a Safe Labour Day

5 Tips for a Safe Labour Day

What comes to mind when you think of the Labour Day weekend? Maybe it’s cottaging, camping, relaxing, and BBQs? Although these are usually what this weekend is all about for us Canadians, what we often don’t put too much thought towards is the traffic and accidents that are common — both on the road and on the water — during the long weekend.

So before you get ready for a fun and exciting long weekend, we encourage you to plan ahead in order to have a safe and enjoyable holiday. To get you started on your planning this year, check out these five tips for a safe Labour Day weekend.

Start with Circle Checks

Before entering anything – your car, RV, boat, cottage or tent – always make sure to do a circle check. Look for anything that needs repair or could be a safety hazard and have these addressed before getting in.

Be Prepared for the Road

Road rage, speeding, impaired driving, and distracted drivers all tend to skyrocket during the holidays — and so do the accidents. To keep safe on the road during the weekend, make sure to map out a few different routes and study the directions so you can avoid becoming flustered if you get lost or hit heavy traffic. You should also expect traffic delays and ride programs, so give yourself plenty of time to get from point A to point B, and leave extra distance between you and the other cars on the road.

It’s also important to avoid having distractions when you’re driving, so make sure to turn off your phone and keep your radio low enough so you can concentrate and hear any sirens approaching. And, if you plan on drinking at any point during the weekend, have a designated driver or make a plan to stay over.

Get your Boat “Safety” Ready

If you’re planning to have a little fun on your boat before you dock it for the season, don’t forget to give it a safety check first. Before turning on the engine, you should have your insurance, boating license, and all the safety equipment required by law onboard. There should also be enough lifejackets on board for all your passengers. And don’t forget to keep an eye out for other boaters and watch your speed since there’s likely to be more traffic on the water than usual.

Be Prepared for all Situations

There’s nothing worse than running out of propane when the steaks are ready for the grill or forgetting your jumper cables up at the cottage. So make sure you prepare in advance and pack appropriately. And remember that most stores are closed on Labour Day so be sure to stock up on all the necessities ahead of time.

Check your Insurance

Last but not least, make sure your vehicle, cottage, RV, boat and ATV insurance are all valid before heading out anywhere this long weekend. One small accident could cost you thousands of dollars if your insurance isn’t up to date or doesn’t contain the appropriate coverage. So take some time to review your current insurance and get it updated if needed well before the weekend approaches.

No matter how safe you are, accidents can still happen. So make sure you have all of your bases covered with the right insurance. At MLS Insurance, we can help ensure that you have the right policy to protect you and your family in case of an accident.

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MLS is an independent Insurance brokerage that works for you – finding the best products for your needs. Our compensation is part of the insurance premium.