Save on Car Insurance with Intact’s my Drive Program

Save on Car Insurance with Intact’s my Drive Program

Did you know that you can save on car insurance just by driving safely? With Intact’s my Drive program, you can get rewarded for safe driving behaviour such as smooth acceleration and keeping your eyes on the road. Learn more about it below.

What is the my Drive Program?

Intact’s my Drive program was created to reward drivers for safe driving by offering up to 25% off your car insurance. You also get a one-time 10% discount when you sign up for the program.

How Does it Work?

When you sign up you will get access to the Intact Insurance app and my Drive program for your phone. This app will feature a personalized dashboard that will keep track of your driving stats in real-time. It will also offer handy tips to help you adopt safer driving habits. The app will keep track of your progress and reward you with a safety score, based on a number of driving behaviours. This includes driving within the speed limit, smooth braking and acceleration, proper cornering, and your overall focus on the road. The safer you drive, the bigger the discount on your car insurance. 

How Does it Know I’m Driving Safely?

The program uses your smartphone’s GPS, accelerometer and gyroscope to assess how safely you’re driving to calculate your safety score. 

How Far Do I Need to Drive for it to Work?

You will need to drive at least 1,000 kilometres during the collection period for the app to capture your driving behaviour.

How Do I Get Started?

It’s simple to get started. Contact MLS Insurance today and one of our brokers will get you set up with Intact Insurance if you don’t already have an account. Once you’re an Intact customer, your broker will enroll you in the plan. Once registered, you’ll get access to the Intact Insurance app and my Drive program. 

Does it Cost Anything to Enroll?

It’s free to enroll in the program, however, you will need to pay for the data used. With that said, the app will only use around 30 to 60 MB of your smartphone’s data per month, which is a small portion of most data plans today.

Start saving today by getting in touch with us at MLS Insurance. Our team will help you get set up so you can start enjoying savings up to 25% off your car insurance through safe driving.

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MLS is an independent Insurance brokerage that works for you – finding the best products for your needs. Our compensation is part of the insurance premium.

MLS is an independent Insurance brokerage that works for you – finding the best products for your needs. Our compensation is part of the insurance premium.