United Steelworkers

United Steelworkers

An insurance program for steelworkers

MLS Insurance has been teamed with Travelers Canada and Novex Insurance to provide the most comprehensive insurance service to the Ontario steelworkers. This service tailored to their specific needs, as well as providing expert advice and support.

The United Steelworkers is a professional organization dedicated to promoting and protecting all the steelworkers all across Canada. In 2012, the United Steelworkers celebrate their 75th anniversary, this was celebrated by 225,000 members. Their members are mostly issued from the steels and mining industry, however, many steelworkers can be found in many sectors of the economy. These men and women are very important to our country, as well to our region.

The insurance program for all Ontario USW members is tailored to their specific needs in order to provide them expert advice and support in regards to their insurance policy choices. Thanks to its partnership with Travelers Canada and Novex Insurance, MLS Insurance is able to offer these union members a comprehensive insurance program that covers all areas of insurance, therefor covering all their indivual needs. 

The primary benefit that Ontario USW members would enjoy from non-members is the extra 10 % USW member discount when insured with Travelers or Novex. MLS Insurance is offering this advantage, on top of providing the most dedicated support and service.

The principle benefit that the USW members would enjoy is the 10% discount, when you are insured with Travelers or Novex. MLS Insurance is offering this advantage, further than providing the most dedicated support and service, to their Ontario steelworkers.

MLS is an independent Insurance brokerage that works for you – finding the best products for your needs. Our compensation is part of the insurance premium.

MLS is an independent Insurance brokerage that works for you – finding the best products for your needs. Our compensation is part of the insurance premium.